Jesus the Storyteller: Hearing the Parables Afresh Today

Jesus the Storyteller: Hearing the Parables Afresh Today

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In his careful exegesis, Kar Yong unpacks the parables by drawing from their cultural,
historical and literary backgrounds, and provides applications for today. The result is a book
that reveals the full strength of Jesus™ parables, and challenges, inspires and encourages us to
consider how we should live our lives as his followers.

Rev Dr Ezra Kok
Principal, Seminari Theoloji Malaysia
Lent, 2015

Storytelling is a tool used by Jesus to address the disciples, the crowd, the religious authorities and many individuals who approached him. These stories or parables are not randomly drawn from the daily experiences of Palestinian culture but told with a purpose. What then was the purpose of the parables of Jesus? How did the parables function in the teaching of Jesus? How were they presented in the Gospels? How can we be awakened anew to the radical message of the parables as followers of Jesus today?

In Jesus the Storyteller, Rev Dr Lim Kar Yong not only guides the readers to a deeper understanding of the parables of Jesus, but also offers contextualised homiletical ideas for pastors and preachers, and provides probing questions for further reflection and study.

ISBN: 978-983-41281-9-7
Size: 210mm by 148mm (closed)
No. of Pages: 232 pages


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